Asian Number Plates

By NetPlates

At NetPlates, we have longstanding experience and expertise in providing a wide range of personalised name number plates. However, one of the areas that marks us out as special, is our capacity to specialise in specific genres of personalised plate. And in keeping with this, our incredible range of private registration plates includes a healthy quota and variety of Asian names.

The range includes Hindu or Sikh related (such as JAT), Islamic numbers or words (such as the number 786), and Chinese or Japanese names or lucky numbers (such as the number 8). But this is only the tip of a very big iceberg, and the best way to find out if we have something to suit you, is to head to our main search and enter your chosen identifying term. Feel free to experiment when searching - that's one of the best ways to unearth the real gems.

If youj are in the market for an Asian name number plate, we strongly believe that NetPlates, with access to tens of millions of registration plates, is the right place to begin your journey.

What are Asian Number Plates?

Various Asian cultures and religions consider some names and numbers to be lucky and these can be applied onto registration plates. The trick comes in two parts...

  • Identify the plate in the first place.
  • Make it easy to find in response to relevant queries.

We believe that we have covered all of the modern and popular Asian names, but if you can't find yours, don't hestitate to get in touch. We have extensive reach, and may be able to help you further if you're having difficulty tracking down your ideal reg. We don't charge for this kind of assistance.

To give some examples of Asian-focused plates we have in stock at the time of writing:

  • For Raheem – RAH 33M.
  • For Raj - L70 RAJ.
  • For Jasjeet - JA57 EET.

To search our range of Asian number plates head for the main NetPlates search and home page.

Our stock constantly evolves, so please regard the above as examples only. You'll find a fully up-to-date range of Asian Number Plates if you head for the main NetPlates search and home page.

You may also be interested in our article on Muslim Number Plates.