Initials in Personalised Number Plates

One of the staple search types in the field of personalised number plates is that of acronyms and initials.

Searches for initials and three-letter acronyms are incredibly popular, so on this page we're celebrating the initials/acronym plate with an example list of instantly-clickable search options.

The great thing about initials is that they offer a wider range of available permutations than obvious name-themed plates. For example, if your name is Marion, and your initials are MGZ, you'll probably find it much easier - and very considerably cheaper - to obtain a number plate featuring your "MGZ" initials than to pick up a plate such as "MAR 10N".

So whilst a plate carrying your initials still clearly identifies you, it's often a lot more affordable and accessible.

One of the other great things about the three-letter format of the character blocks in many standard number plates is that they encompass a wide raft of acronyms. These don't necessarily need to be official, famous or common acronyms such as NHS or ESP. They could be the initials of a regional organisation or club. And that's the beauty of a registration system which covers the majority of three-letter permutations. There are so many opportunities for personalisation.

Of course, it's also possible to find full first names within the three-character block. If you browse our suggestions below you'll see some examples, such as "AMY" and "KAI". There are more, and if you also include popular name shortenings you'll run into a larger selection, including "BEN" (short for Benjamin), "BOB" (short for Robert), "MAL" (short for Malcolm), "PAV" (short for Pavinder), "RAY" (shirt for Raymond), etc. Then there are the three-letter words words which are not names, but with which many people can find a passionate or humourous connection. These might include "DOG", "JOG", "BUG", or even "DUH".

Or Take Your Own Path...

Whilst all people who personalise their number plates have different traits, identities, talents and achievements to celebrate, they do have one thing in common... They're individuals. That's why we always provide a completely open and unrestricted search facility - which you can find at the top of this page. If you don't find yourself inspired by our preset options, don't hesitate to explore a wider range of possibilities with our sophisticated search.

Here's our example list of male names for number plate searches...