Car-Themed Number Plate Suggestions

Not everyone wants to associate their personalised number plate with their own name, initials, hobbies, profession or quirks. Sometimes you're proud of your car, and why should you not be? On this page we've taken that pride into account , and provided a list of car brands, which you can use as a jumping-off point for searching a perfect car-related registration.

Or imagine your own private plate...

Our list of car brands with associated number plate searches is not meant as an exhaustive means for sourcing a great car-themed plate. If you have other thoughts, we enthusiastically encourage you to try out your own searches. Simply type any word or term into the search box at the top of this page, and our search mechanism will do its best to find your ideal match.

We at NetPlates like to cater for everyone, and we have our own stock of private number plates which you won't find cheaper elsewhere. And if super-cheap floats your boat, you might also want to take a glance at our Bargain Plates page. You'll see many plates at sub-£50 prices, including some dateless options, which will conceal the age of your vehicle.

Here's our list of car names for number plate searches...