Female First-Name Number Plates

The facility to search names and find matches within a large database of registrations is the key to sourcing great personalised number plates. We're setting that process in motion here, with some example names. You can find a wide range of names by selecting a letter of the alphabet to correspond with a first-name initial. If you can see your name, simply click on it to perform a number plate search.

Or imagine your own private plate...

If you can't see your name in our sample list, don't worry. Using the search entry box at the top of the page, you can search for anything you wish. Your name, your initials, your profession, your hobbies, your quirks, your brand or model of vehicle... Whatever you feel best identifies you.

We at NetPlates like to cater for everyone, and we have our own stock of private number plates which you won't find cheaper elsewhere. And if you're looking specifically for the cheapest plates around, you might also want to take a glance at our Bargain Plates page. You'll see many plates at sub-£50 prices, including some dateless options, which will conceal the age of your vehicle.

Here's our example list of male names for number plate searches...