16 JAG

Dateless Number Plate

Please Note:
You cannot make a vehicle appear younger than it actually is. For more detail, see the Compatibility Information panel below. For advice, visit our Vehicle Age page, or call 0121 777 6555.
Number Plate Info
Price of registration£12090.00
+ VAT (If applicable) £0.00
Compulsory DVLA fee£80.00
Price of registration£12090.00
+ VAT (If applicable) £0.00
Compulsory DVLA fee£80.00

Cost inc. VAT/Fees


Don't worry, you can still order extras and specify your options or transfer preferences as you progress through the short process.

16 JAG is a dateless registration. It can be fitted to any vehicle.

Before you can display a new number plate, it's vital that you obtain the legal right to do so. In order to fit the registration to a vehicle you'll need to go through an official transfer process. The good news is that NetPlates are experts in transferring registrations, and will make the process easy for you. Simply make sure your vehicle is not ineligible to carry the plate by carefully checking the Compatibility Information section above. Then continue with your purchase, and let us handle the entire transfer for you, for free*.

* All transfers are subject to a mandatory DVLA transfer fee, which we've documented in the Number Plate Info table above.

Need to talk to us?... Fire away. Between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, we're here at the office, and you can reach our friendly, professional team on 0121 777 6555.

Alternatively, you can reach us via email using sales@netplates.co.uk.

Do You Need Plates?
3D Gel
4D Acrylic
Standard + £35.00
3D Gel + £55.00
4D Acrylic + £70.00

Font Options

You can choose different styles for the font of your registration plate. The font itself is a DVLA requirement, but you can select either...

  • A standard style, with characters flush on a flat surface.
  • A 3D gel slyle, which features characters raised from the surface in an attractive and noticeable fashion.
  • A 4D acrylic style, which features raised characters encased under a second transparent surface.

These options afford you the ultimate in personalisation, providing increased impact for the plate itself, and drawing more attention to your personal theme.

We at NetPlates know that our stellar reputation depends on providing you with the best possible experience, and we understand that sometimes your requirements may not be fully served by an online process. That's why we're here for you, with a friendly and professional team of office-based service staff.

Need to talk to us?... Fire away. Between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, we're here at the office, and you can reach our friendly, professional team on 0121 777 6555.
Add a Border
Borderless number plate
Borderless number plate
No border
With border + £2.50

Border Options

You have the option to add a border to your plates. Number plate borders are decorative edges, which are not required, but can complement to the vehicle's aesthetics. The use of stylish and compliant number plate borders allow you to further personalise your car whilst still adhering to legal requirements.

If you're purchasing physical plates, borders can be added regardless of the font style you've selected. This gives you a wide range of possible permutations. By combining a more select font style with a border you can really make your plate into an attention-grabber. We can confirm that more people order their private plates with borders than without.

We at NetPlates know that our stellar reputation depends on providing you with the best possible experience, and we understand that sometimes your requirements may not be fully served by an online process. That's why we're here for you, with a friendly and professional team of office-based service staff.

Need to talk to us?... Fire away. Between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, we're here at the office, and you can reach our friendly, professional team on 0121 777 6555.
Add a Fixing Kit
Sticky Pads
Screws + Sticky Pads
Screws + £2.99
Sticky Pads + £2.99
Screws + Sticky Pads + £4.99

Fixing Kit

Fit your plate professionally with a dedicated fixing kit. There are two elements to the kit, and if you wish, you can combine the two, to maximise your options when attaching the plate. The two components are...


A kit to allow you to fix your new plates to your vehicle. The kit includes four screws, two white head covers, two yellow head covers and four black head covers. This set sells for a higher price with retailers.

Sticky pads

A set of 8 secure adhesive pads to enable you to attach the number plates with ease. No screws required.

We at NetPlates know that our stellar reputation depends on providing you with the best possible experience, and we understand that sometimes your requirements may not be fully served by an online process. That's why we're here for you, with a friendly and professional team of office-based service staff.

Need to talk to us?... Fire away. Between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, we're here at the office, and you can reach our friendly, professional team on 0121 777 6555.
Select a Supply Method

Electronic Transfer
Paper Certificate via Post + £10.00

Electronic/Postal Transfer

So that we can transfer your plate electronically, we ask that you email us a photo or scanned copy of the logbook. In most circumstances, we can handle the full transfer process for you from there. If you've ordered any extras, we'll send those out to you separately. Under certain circumstances - for instance, if the plate is to be fitted to a historical vehicle - it's not possible for us to complete the transfer process electronically. If you email us the logbook and we're unable to complete the process electronically, we'll ask you to post the documentation to us.

We can, alternatively, send you a retention certificate by post, so that you can take care of the transfer process yourself. We make a £10 charge if you need to transfer by post, and the transfer process will take longer. In a postal transfer, the retention certificate is sent to you by recorded delivery. You'll need to use this option if...

  • You're buying the registration as a gift for someone else.
  • You're not yet ready to fit the registration to a vehicle, or are not yet sure which vehicle will receive the registration.

We at NetPlates know that our stellar reputation depends on providing you with the best possible experience, and we understand that sometimes your requirements may not be fully served by an online process. That's why we're here for you, with a friendly and professional team of office-based service staff.

Need to talk to us?... Fire away. Between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, we're here at the office, and you can reach our friendly, professional team on 0121 777 6555.
Please complete the form

Total cost

Your Full Order

Reg & Transfer


Order Total


Order Total

General Information

Dateless Registrations

The original UK dateless registrations were issued forward from 1st September 1903, after the Motor Car Act mandated their use the previous month. Dateless licence plates gave way to the suffix-formatted series at the end of 1962, but they remain highly cherished for their personalisation potential and historical kudos. Coming from the dateless era, 16 JAG gives you a piece of motoring history, regardless of its additional personal relevance to you. Northern Irish dateless plates have remained in use to the present day.

Purchase with ease and confidence...

  • When you complete this online process, we will only pre-authorise the payment against your card. All transactions are manually checked and confirmed by NetPlates staff before the actual payment is taken.
  • NetPlates has a superb customer service track-record, with thousands of customers taking the trouble to express their appreciation on Trustpilot.
  • trustpilot logo
  • Aside from the manadatory DVLA fee, NetPlates can handle the entire transfer process for you, free of charge.
  • NetPlates is a leading UK brand , fully recognised as a reseller of DVLA registrations. We've been trading and gaining our exemplary reputation since 2010.

Your Questions Answered...

Yes. 16 JAG is a dateless registration, which means it can be fitted to a vehicle of any age.

No. NetPlates can provide you with the registration number on a V778/ V750 Retention Certificate, which is valid for up to 10 years, with a renewal period available after that duration expires. This will give you plenty of time to consider your options. If your current vehicle is incompatible with this plate due to age, you can get your perfect registration now, and wait until you have a compatible vehicle for it.

All power to you! You can purchase a registration for someone else and their name can be added to the V778/V750 Retention Certificate, as a nominee if you wish. The only requirement is that the name you provide matches the registered name for the vehicle to which the registration will be assigned.

If you're transferring online, we'd expect the process to take 7-10 working days. This is because we need to wait to receive both the buyer's and seller’s paperwork. If we need to send physical paperwork to the DVLA to complete the transfer, the process can take up to 21 working days. We endeavour to complete transfers as soon as possible, and our friendly, professional team will keep you informed throughout the whole process. We're in the office from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, so you can instantly talk to us during those hours on 0121 777 6555 if you have questions or need an update along the way.

When the transfer process is complete, you'll receive notification either from Net Plates Ltd or DVLA Swansea.

If the transfer was arranged online, you'll get an EV948 document via email and a confirmation email from us.

If you submitted a postal application, a new Log Book V5C will arrive by post.

Once you've received one of the above, you're ready to go, and you can fit the physical plates to your vehicle.

If you're having the physical number plates made by a third party, you'll need to produce the EV948 when you do so. Be don't forget that if you require, NetPlates can handle the entire process for you free of charge.

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