Our Research Process

We follow a 5-step research process to provide you with a fair and accurate valuation when selling a plate with us.



Meaning of The Plate

The meaning of the plate is the most important factor when valuing a plate. Some plates have a clear meaning that many people can relate to or understand, for example a popular name or a set of initials. Other plates may be more personal and relevant to one or a few people but not as easily recognisable or relatable to the majority. Generally, the more recognisable the meaning of a plate is, the more valuable the plate would be.



Style of The Plate

Dateless plates (e.g. ABC 123) tend to be the most valuable plates, followed by suffix (e.g. ABC 123D), then prefix plates (e.g. A123 BCD) and lastly new-style plates (e.g. AB12 CDE). Although this is the general rule, some exceptions can be made depending on the meaning of the plate as previously mentioned.



Age of The Plate

The older and rarer the plate is, the more valuable it is likely to be. For example, NP 1 and 1 NP are both dateless plates, however NP 1 dates back to the 1920's whereas 1 NP dates back 1997 thus making NP 1 more valuable than 1 NP.



Number of Characters

Generally, the lesser the number of characters there are in a plate, the more valuable it is. However, the meaning of the plate could also affect this, for example a plate may have more characters and be more valuable if it perfectly spells out a name or word, for example K1 NGS, COM 1C etc.



Alternative Options

The more unique a plate is, the more valuable it is likely to be as it would be difficult to find an alternative option. If there are many plates that are similar, this could reduce the value of a plate as buyers may easily find alternative plates.