Find the Perfect Plate!

Search through millions of registrations with an industry-leading, DVLA-registered reseller.

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Tips for New Buyers

  • Try searching for two or three initials, or a shortened version of your name. Shorter queries usually produce better results.
  • If the obvious queries don't give you the results you're after, try searching a few other short terms that are relevant to you. Be imaginative. A few minutes of thought can unearth a fantastic plate.
  • Don't give up. Sometimes the gems take a little longer to find.
  • Find our very cheapest plates on the Bargains Page. Find our super-value buys on the Our Stock page.

Private Number Plates - FAQ

Not at all. At NetPlates, we specialise in making the process as simple as possible.

In fact, if you require, our dedicated and friendly team of professional experts can handle the entire transfer process for you without any additional cost.

Starting the purchase process for a personalised registration is as simple as searching your desired term via the search box above.

When you find the perfect number plate, simply click on the Buy button in the search results and then follow the onscreen instructions, filling in any requested details as you go along. From there, we can either send you the registration on a certificate, or we can handle the entire transfer process for you free of charge.

NetPlates is transparent about every component in the overall cost, and will always let you know what the full cost is in advance of purchase, at the initial stage of the Checkout process.

It's worth bearing in mind that the DVLA has its own mandatory transfer fee, which we display in the final total on our Checkout page; and where VAT is applicable, we'll need to add that too.

We always aim to make you savings in other areas, by offering private number plates at the best prices, and by providing a full transfer service at no additional cost. We believe NetPlates offers the very best value as a reseller of private plates.

That's no problem at all.

NetPlates can provide you with the registration number on a V778/ V750 Retention Certificate, which is valid for up to 10 years, giving you plenty of time to consider your transfer arrangements.

Even once the ten year retention period has elapsed, you can still renew the certificate free of charge, through the DVLA.

So when you see the perfect plate, you can always purchase without hesitation - whether or not you have a recipient vehicle ready.

We're unable to advise on private number plates as an investment, and we'd stress that economic factors can influence the value of a number plate, as well as its desirability.

But we can say that many, many plates have appreciated in value, and there's definitely a very special feeling that comes with a registration personalised to you.

The transfer can take 7-10 working days as we have to wait to receive both the buyer and sellers’ paperwork. This time frame is subject to the transfer being done online. If we need to send paperwork off to the DVLA to complete the transfer, it can take up to 21 working days. We endeavour to complete transfers as soon as possible and we will keep you informed throughout the whole process.

When the transfer process is complete, you'll receive notification either from Net Plates Ltd or DVLA Swansea.

If the transfer was arranged online, you'll get an EV948 document via email and a confirmation email from us.

If you submitted a postal application, a new Log Book V5C will arrive by post.

Once you've received one of the above, you're ready to go, and you can fit the physical plates to your vehicle.

If you're having the physical number plates made by a third party, you'll need to produce the EV948 when you do so. Be don't forget that if you require, NetPlates can handle the entire process for you free of charge.

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